speed up gwt compilation

1. use ” <draftCompile>true</draftCompile> ” in the gwt-maven-plugin configuration. 2. use another build profile to limit permutation: HERE is the detail . To set gwt up, use : mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.mojo -DarchetypeArtifactId=gwt-maven-plugin -DarchetypeVersion=2.5.1 -DgroupId=com.goodtrendltd.gwt -DartifactId=MyDemo -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT

gwt table td tr getOffsetHeight() inconsistency if border is set

In Gxt3 grid’s column header, if you set any border to the header row, your column header will grow. Also if you have filter in the header, even just hovering on the filter will cause the growth. After digging into the code, the following code in ColumnHeader causes this: (my current version is 3.0.6) This…

event loop gwt scheduleDeferred

A browser event loop is a thread started by the browser that is constantly scanning for and running different events, just like it sounds. As events occur they are put in the event queue and run in turn by the one event thread. Your javascript should not create its own loops waiting for it to…