JVM JIT and running mode


At the beginning of Java, all code are executed in interpreted manner, I.E execute code line by line after interpretation which would result in slowness. Especially for code that are frequently executed.

So later JIT was introduced so that when when some code are frequently executed, it becomes ‘Hot Spot Code’ and would be compiled to  machine code. Typically there 2 types of hot-spot-code:

  1. A function that are called very frequently
  2. The code in loop.

JVM maintains a count as of how many time a function is executed. If this count exceeds a predefined limit JIT compiles the code into machine language which can directly be executed by the processor (unlike the normal case in which javac compile the code into bytecode and then java – the interpreter interprets this bytecode line by line converts it into machine code and executes).

Also next time this function is calculated same compiled code is executed again unlike normal interpretation in which the code is interpreted again line by line.

Server vs client mode

when we check java version, there are 3 lines, we will check what the the 3rd line.

---> java -version

java version "1.8.0_66"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_66-b17)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.66-b17, mixed mode)

Hotspot jvm has 2 mode: client and server. we can use java -server xxx / java -client xxx to start. The former is more heavier on compilation and optimization hence with longer startup time.


use java -Xint/comp/mixed to trigger, mixed is the default. 

java -Xint -version 

will show that it is in the interpreted mode so that code will be interpreted and executed line by line which would be quite slow specially in loop. On the other hand, -Xcomp will execute the code after compile all the code to machine code. 


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