dl dt dd in html5

definition list;  definition term;  definition description. In HTML 4, <dl> was considered a “definition list”, containing groups of terms and their definitions. The terms and definitions were a many-to-many relationship: one or more terms to one or more definitions.   In HTML5, The dl element represents an association list consisting of zero or more name-value groups (a description list). Each…

create a transparent background

RGBA color My preferred approach is using rgba color. That’s Red-Green-Blue-Alpha. The alpha channel defines transparency. For example .wrapper-content { background-color: rgba( 255, 255, 255, 0.5); } In the above example, we declare a white background at one-half transparency. The disadvantage to this approach is that IE6-8 won’t recognize it, so you need to declare…

create a quick android app with rss

现在很多的网站都推出了自己的app,但是对于我们这些普通的小网站来说,自己去做一个app有点得不尝试,也没有去那么的精力去做这些,于是就有人做了这样的服务,AppYet就是这样的而一个服务,只要提供网站的feed rss地址,appyet就能自动的生成一个比较perfect的app,只是对于免费的用户, 嵌套了广告,毕竟是免费的,我们也就没有什么可以说的。 appyet是提供了一种服务,只需你提供网站的feed rss,就能很快的生成一个网站的app出来,对于小网站用户来说足矣。(from this blog) 对于webvanta, 提供了rss生成script rss2.0的格式: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <rss version=”2.0″> <channel>     <title>DotNetBips.com Latest Articles</title>     <link>www.dotnetbips.com</link>     <description>DotNetBips.com Latest Articles</description>     <language>zh-cn</language>     <copyright>Copyright (C) DotNetBips.com. All rights reserved.</copyright>     <generator>www.dotnetbips.com RSS Generator</generator>     <item>     <title>Using WebRequest and WebResponse</title>     <link>http://www.dotnetbips.com/displayarticle.aspx?id=239</link&gt;     <description>Description here</description>     <category></category>     <author>Bipin Joshi</author>     <copyright></copyright>     <pubDate>Sun, 25 Jan 2004 12:00:00 AM GMT</pubDate>     </item> </channel> </rss> rss:  每个RSS Feed,都有而且只能有一个rss标签,作为顶层元素,属性version是版本号,如2.0 channel:   在rss标签下,必须有且只能有一个channel标签,可包含