Spring proxy jdk vs cglib

Simple version: Aspectj static weaving: do the aop at compile time using Aspectj’s own compiler: ajc. JDK Proxy: when class implements some interface. The proxy will implement every interface. It can NOT be cast to the original target class because it’s simply a dynamic proxy that happens to implement the same interface(s) as the target CGLIB:…

Joinpoint VS ProceedingJoinPoint in AOP using aspectJ

If you use before,after-throwing,after-returning and after use Jointpoint. If you use around use Proceedingjoinpoint . An around advice is a special advice that can control when and if a method (or other join point) is executed. This is true for around advices only, so they require an argument of type ProceedingJoinPoint, whereas other advices just…

Secrets of the Spring AOP Proxy

Spring Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) is a powerful mechanism to weave cross cutting concerns like security, transactions, exception handling, logging, etc. into business code (“core concerns”) without explicitly adding calls to the cross cutting concern.  This allows the cross cutting concern to be updated, removed, swapped out, and generally maintained in a much simpler fashion….

modify method arguments using spring aspect

@Before For logging kinds of stuff, we usually use the “@Before”   A before advice gets a copy of the argument array, but it can’t modify the original arguments.      @Around So in order to modify , we need to use “@Around” with which you can pass the args to the execution!  

filter 和 aop

现在AOP的设计开发理念在软件开发中用的越来越广泛,在我们开发的软件中也广泛进行了使用。而最常用的就是filter和interceptor。 Filter 该过滤器的方法是创建一个类XXXFilter实现此接口,并在该类中的doFilter方法中声明过滤规则,然后在配置文件web.xml中声明他所过滤的路径 <filter> <filter-name>XXXFilter</filter-name> <filter-class> com.web.util.XXXFilter </filter-class> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>XXXFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>*.action</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> Interceptor 该过滤器的方法也是创建一个类XXXInterceptor实现此接口,在该类中intercept方法写过滤规则,不过它过滤路径的方法和Filter不同,它与strut.xml结合使用(其他开发框架各自有自己的切入点), 创建一个strus.xml的子配置文件struts-l99-default.xml,它继承与struts2的struts-default,此配置文件是其他子配置文件的父类,只要是继承与该文件的配置文件所声明的路径都会被它过滤 如下 <package name=”XXX-default” namespace=”/” extends=”struts-default”> <interceptors> <interceptor name=”authentication” /> <interceptor-stack name=”user”> <interceptor-ref name=”defaultStack” /> <interceptor-ref name=”authentication” /> </interceptor-stack> <interceptor-stack name=”user-submit”> <interceptor-ref name=”user” /> <interceptor-ref name=”token” /> </interceptor-stack>   <interceptor-stack name=”guest”> <interceptor-ref name=”defaultStack” /> </interceptor-stack>   <interceptor-stack name=”guest-submit”> <interceptor-ref name=”defaultStack”…